The MegaFace dataset is the largest publicly available facial recognition dataset with a million faces and their respective bounding boxes. All images obtained from Flickr (Yahoo's dataset) and licensed under Creative Commons.
If you wish to request access to dataset please follow instructions on challenge page
By downloading the dataset you must agree to the following terms:
[RESEARCHER_FULLNAME] (the "Researcher") has requested permission to use the MegaFace database (the "Database") at the University of Washington. In exchange for such permission, Researcher hereby agrees to the following terms and conditions:
The top level folders are named by the first three digits of user ids that they include.
The faces are sorted into folders by user. These folders are named in the form: ########@N## The part of the name prior to the "@" is the user id that the images are from. The folders contain the images and their bounding box data.
These files are named in the form: ##########_#. The part of
the name before the "_" identifies the image the face is from and the part after identifies the number associated with that face in the image.
Accompanying JSON files use same name as corresponding face with ".json" appended. Contains information
on bounding box, rotation, confidence, and landmarks.